Hiring Salary

Don’t tell me your salary

As a hiring manager, I’ll ask how much are you expecting in terms of salary for the positions that we are hiring for. This is standard practice and you will see this question in one form or another through the interview process In some states in the United States, if you ask, I am required […]

management Team building

Check your team’s pulse

Imagine yourself as the sparkling new manager of a team, like any good manager, you listen attentively, trying to learn anything and everything there is to know about your team. You set up one on one meetings, embed yourself in your team’s processes, and get to know all stakeholders personally. All great initial steps for […]

management Time management

My managerial framework

When I first started as a manager, I didn’t have a role model, classes, or even a good list of books to read and learn about management. I made a lot of mistakes (sorry everyone that worked for me then) but I also learned a ton in the process. Next, I’ll introduce a very simple […]