
importance of setting a clear vision for your teams

A clear vision is important in leadership because it sets direction and provides motivation. 

It helps leaders to establish priorities and make decision. 

A clear vision also allows leaders to develop strategic plans and allocate resources effectively.

Sets direction

A clear vision sets direction for an organization.

It provides a sense of purpose and direction for employees.

A clear vision also tells employees what is expected of them and what they need to do to contribute to the organization’s success.

provides motivation

A clear vision provides motivation for employees to do their best work.

When employees know what the company is trying to achieve, they are more likely to be engaged 

, imagine a company whose leaders have a clear vision for the future. 

They will be able to articulate what they want to achieve, and they will develop plans and allocate resources accordingly. 

This will result in a more efficient and effective company that is better able to compete in the marketplace.

Conversely, imagine a company whose leaders lack a clear vision. 

This company will likely be less efficient and effective, and it will be at a disadvantage in the marketplace. 

Leaders who lack a clear vision are more likely to make decisions based on personal preferences or short-term gains, rather than on what is best for the company.

establishes priorities

A clear vision also helps leaders to establish priorities.

If leaders know what they want to achieve, they can more easily identify which tasks and projects are most important.

This allows them to allocate resources more efficiently and avoid wasting time on activities that are not central to

Work on what’s valuable

The focus of attention goes to what is most valuable. This is often the heart of a vision: getting people to focus on what is most important.

What is most important should be at the center of attention.

If it isn’t, it should be moved there.

This is one of the main purposes of a vision: to help an organization focus its attention on what is most important.

In summary, a clear vision is important because it sets direction, provides motivation, establishes priorities, and allows leaders to allocate resources more efficiently.

Vision icons created by Eucalyp – Flaticon


Project empathy – quick update

Not long ago I began writing code to remember what it was like to build things every day for users with the hope to build some empathy for my direct and indirect reports

After a few months of doing close to 30 minutes in the morning of daily coding I want to share what I have re-learned so far.

The temptation to deliver quickly is high, but maintaining a high quality standard requires patience, persistence and consistency.

I made an effort to write up a service canvas, detailed tickets explaining the work to my future self, used true and tried design patterns to keep the code maintainable, covered the code under test, and used sonar cloud to review my code for known vulnerabilities and other static analysis checks.

These and more are expected outputs of any software my teams write. Going through the steps and making an effort to understand the value provided has done wonders to create empathy for the challenges software engineers face daily.

Releasing code is more complex, there are vast options from multiple providers that can make it overwhelming at first, but new tooling like render.com made it simpler and provided a glimpse into a bright future for hosting options.

In short, we ask a lot of engineers and oftentimes, as leaders, we get too excited about the prospect of shipping fast, but we fail to realize that good engineering practices have tremendous value and take considerable time to go through.

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Project empathy, day four — first new code

Day four was fun but short.

I began by setting my Pomodoro timer to 25 minutes to work on the first milestone, creating and viewing projects.

The project’s definition already has a lot of functionality, so I constrained the milestone only to include the title as part of the project.

The framework I am using https://aspnetboilerplate.com is highly opinionated, so I had to spend my first Pomodoro timer just browsing through the docs in order to get acquainted with it.

For my second Pomodoro, I wrote our first class, the project class. I added the database migrations and pushed them to the database.

I mentioned that the framework I am using is highly opinionated. It uses domain-driven design, so our class has no logic and can only be instantiated via a create method, ensuring that domain rules are applied consistently.

The logic will be added to another class they call “the manager” you can see more details on their design here.

So far, this little project has proven successful in building empathy. I had already forgotten that there is a significant amount of time devoted to research and learning for every line of code.


A Quick project to build empathy

A Quick project to build empathy
Management usually means that you are removed from your daily interactions with code.

While this gives you focus on important areas such as execution, growing, culture, and strategic thinking.

It also means you forget the day-to-day challenges you go through as an engineer.

To build empathy and remind me what it is like to write code, I am starting a side project around a highly relevant subject to my day-to-day project execution.

I plan on providing updates as I go along my journey, so stay tuned.


Thankful for traditions

Living in the United States allowed me to learn about traditions from all sorts of backgrounds.

I was exposed to traditions based on sexual orientation, religion, historical events, location, and even driven by capitalism.

I remember approaching these with lots of curiosity but a particular defensiveness, mainly caused by a lack of understanding.

Once I entered the workforce, I was exposed to company-specific traditions.

All these traditions shared a specific set of traits, such as 

  • Happening on a particular date
  • Requiring a ritual to perform
  • Driven by a particular subject
  • Led by passionate individuals on these subjects
  • Regarded as highly important by a subset of the company

This week, as my wife diligently sets up holiday decorations at our house, I am reminded that I work for a company that hires from around the world.

I am thankful that I learned about more traditions than what I had been exposed to so far.  

I am thankful that others think of me and want to include me in their traditions, even when I don’t have the foundation for the tradition.

I am thankful I no longer feel defensive about others’ traditions.

And I am thankful I get the opportunity to include others in my traditions.

As you think about your own situation, what traditions come to mind that are new to you? What have you learned from them?

Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com