A clear vision is important in leadership because it sets direction and provides motivation. It helps leaders to establish priorities and make decision. A clear vision also allows leaders to develop strategic plans and allocate resources effectively. Sets direction A clear vision sets direction for an organization. It provides a sense of purpose and direction […]
Category: Uncategorized
Project empathy – quick update
Not long ago I began writing code to remember what it was like to build things every day for users with the hope to build some empathy for my direct and indirect reports After a few months of doing close to 30 minutes in the morning of daily coding I want to share what I […]
Day four was fun but short. I began by setting my Pomodoro timer to 25 minutes to work on the first milestone, creating and viewing projects. The project’s definition already has a lot of functionality, so I constrained the milestone only to include the title as part of the project. The framework I am using https://aspnetboilerplate.com is […]
A Quick project to build empathy
A Quick project to build empathyManagement usually means that you are removed from your daily interactions with code. While this gives you focus on important areas such as execution, growing, culture, and strategic thinking. It also means you forget the day-to-day challenges you go through as an engineer. To build empathy and remind me what […]
Thankful for traditions
Living in the United States allowed me to learn about traditions from all sorts of backgrounds. I was exposed to traditions based on sexual orientation, religion, historical events, location, and even driven by capitalism. I remember approaching these with lots of curiosity but a particular defensiveness, mainly caused by a lack of understanding. Once I […]