Interviewing stories

Networking pays off

We’re currently hiring for a hard-to-fill position. I reached out to a good friend to see if he was interested, and to my surprise, he said he was going to apply. It was unlikely given he is currently employed, less than a year in at his current company, with decent compensation and a good work […]

Hiring Interviewing

Hiring your boss

Today I had the great honor of interviewing my possibly future boss. During the interview, I was looking not only for this person to be the right fit for the company, but I was looking for this person to be the right fit for me. Here’s what I mean by that. micromanagement I dislike micromanagement, […]

Hiring management Team building

Seeding new teams

We’re currently trying to seed a new team to work on a high profile high-value initiative. In this post, I will walk you through the different options we came up with, as well as the DACI format we’re using to get to a decision. Existing team The fastest option but also the one that carries […]

Hiring Interviewing

Why do I stick around?

Today, I saw a post from a close colleague of mine that they have joined a new company. Anytime someone leaves it makes me wonder if I could I be next, what is keeping me here? what drove them to leave? how much money are they making now? are their benefits better? what is it […]

Hiring Salary

Don’t tell me your salary

As a hiring manager, I’ll ask how much are you expecting in terms of salary for the positions that we are hiring for. This is standard practice and you will see this question in one form or another through the interview process In some states in the United States, if you ask, I am required […]