management strategy

Change management – taming the rumor mill

The rumor mill is hard to contain and impossible to stop.

After all, people are curious, and when they know change is coming, they want to know a few things

  • How am I affected?
  • When is it happening?
  • Is it good or bad?
  • How are those around me affected?
  • Who do I go to with questions?

As leaders, our reports will expect us to answer these questions and more.

To better serve them, get a document started, have a meeting, or go to a Cafe with your peers and figure out as much information about the change.

Consider main themes such as 

  • Reporting structure
  • Process
  • Direction
  • Compensation
  • Timelines
  • Documentations
  • Reasoning
  • Decision-makers

Next, consider the communication preferences and must-haves to disseminate the information, such as

  • Legal requirements
  • Communication channels — think meetings, documents, presentations, videos, phone calls
  • Timing on communication 
  • Chain of responsibility for communication

By now, you should have a proper change management plan to execute on and hopefully slow down the rumors from presenting an inaccurate future.

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